joe killinger

Is Managing Commercial Real Estate Completely Different Than Residential Management?

Is Managing Commercial Real Estate Completely Different Than Residential Management?

If you have ever owned a house or duplex that you have rented out and you feel like you are ready to move to the next level, I have a few guidelines to help you get started.   First and foremost, you’ll need to decide what asset class you would like your next investment to be in.  Here are a few different types of assets that you can focus on:

You’re Interested in Starting to Invest in Rental Property, be Sure to Consider These Five Factors

You’re Interested in Starting to Invest in Rental Property, be Sure to Consider These Five Factors

If you are considering taking on the management be sure to speak with several investors that have already made this choice, managing a property can be a lot of tedious work and very time consuming. Also, many times a professional management company will actually save you money, budgeting for large expenses, having preferred pricing with vendors, or by just being aware of local legislature and how to navigate it efficiently.

The Positive and Negatives of Owning A Rental Property

The Positive and Negatives of Owning A Rental Property

Investing in property is no small affair; investing in property and deciding to rent is even scarier. However, knowing exactly what you’re getting yourself into in advance can help save a lot of headaches. So, before making your final decision, take a look at what the potential benefits and downfalls of renting a property.